by Kyle Kennedy
Jun 18, 2018 11:58:11 AM
The John Roberts Company has installed high resolution inkjet heads on its Harris M110 6-color web perfecting press.
The HP M800 monochrome inkjet print heads will enable the web press to produce high quality 600dpi variable data text and graphic images at speeds up to 800 fpm.
"This upgrade ensures that our web presses can produce high-value color pages with integrated variable data text and images. It's created new products and opportunities that we haven't been able to offer and also improved on our existing products by driving the cost down." said Scott Zorn, VP, Operations.
This perfecting web offset press also features a combination folder, high-speed sheeter and in-line perforating and remoistenable glue. It has a maximum sheet size of 17.75" x 26.5" making this press a great fit for the demanding color requirements of commercial printing and now direct mail.
Learn more about how our web offset printing services can help you reach your sales and marketing goals.