by Kyle Kennedy
Jun 18, 2018 11:56:46 AM
Most people in the print industry know what the Premier Print Award Competition is because of its worldwide recognition in the graphics art industry.
The award recognizes the highest quality printed pieces in various product categories. The Premier Print Award is to printers as the Oscars are to movie stars. In other words, winning a Premier Print Award is a huge deal.
This year, John Roberts won a Benny Award for Greenhouse Reps, "Photography Book" and we could not be more proud. When entering the Premier Print Award Competition you choose which category your printed piece fits under. The Greenhouse Reps "Photography Book" was entered in under the category of Service Catalogs (4 or more colors).
Inside the photography book you will find photos taken by a variety of photographers capturing travel, adventure, youth, love, food, products and more. Translucent sheets inside the book are filled with inspiring quotes and how to craft the perfect Classic Bloody Mary.
The Specs: